Sunday, May 17, 2009

Best of Week: Narration in LTMK

Since I was practically dead on Tuesday and subsequently missed school the next two days due to being really sick, chosing something from class to be the best of the week is pretty slim pickings. Therfore, I will have to go with the discussion we had in class on Monday about why Coetzee chose different narrators for different sections of Life and Times of Michael K. It was kind of interesting, and it really made me think about the author's thought process. This conversation had a special connection to me, because my short story happens to be narrated from two different perspectives; the first part is first-person and the end is third-person. Though I didn't have any deep, significant reason to do this (I was stuck and bored, and I wanted to mix it up a little bit), our discussion made me realize that good authors really think about every little thing they put into the story, and evaluate how it strengthens the overall effect of the book. Next time I write something, I will definitely put some more thought into the little things, and I'm sure this will greatly benefit my writing.

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