Saturday, November 1, 2008

TED Presentations

When I found out that we were doing the TED project again this year, I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I thought that it was a cool idea last year when we did it, and enjoyed watching the TED videos. On the other hand, I knew that some significant changes would have to be made to motivate some of the juniors and seniors to actually work on the project.

When the project started, I was a little nervous because it seemed like only one or two people were working on the project. After the day that we got to meet with our group face-to-face (an important addition from last year), I felt like we were able to get everything figured out and figure out who was doing what. As time went on, I figured out that I had a really good group. No one was too domineering (like that girl in Margot's group) and no one completely slacked off (like a lot of other groups' juniors and seniors). Whereas last year I was having to nag people to work and sometimes just doing their parts for them, this year everyone worked together and did their fair share of the work. This was relaxing for me because I knew exactly how much work I had left to do and I didn't have to stress about possibly having to take on other people's tasks in addition to mine. Plus, the final product was better because more people contributed and instead of one or two people's ideas, we had eight people's ideas.

All in all, I think this year's TED project was way better than last year's. Though there were still some flaws that could be corrected if we were to do it again next year (i.e. certain teachers actually giving us less homework and not just adding "work on TED" to our regular work load), it was by and large a good project to do. I would definitely be open to doing it again next year.

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