Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blogging Around

Stephanie's post was about her experiences as a waitress. She talked about how a lot of the customers are rude to her and looked at eating in a restaurant from a different point of view.

"I totally agree with what you said. I think that if someone yells at the person who is serving them because of a little mistake, that's kind of pathetic. For the past three summers I have caddied at a golf course, so I can relate to the frustration you feel when someone blows something way out of proportion. Luckily, I think I have it a little better than a waitress. Whereas the person who's such a jerk to you can just leave in a half hour and never see you again, if a golfer's mean to me they still have to be around me for at least four or five more hours, which can make things really awkward. You do have the added leverage of being able to spit in their food, though, which is a plus. You did a good job in the post looking at eating in a restaurant from a different perspective than most people are used to, and it was very well written."

Nick's post was about his favorite kind of music (hip-hop) and how a lot of people have preconceived notions about it. He addressed some of these criticisms and explained how and why he disagreed with them.

"I really liked how you tried to clear up a lot of misconceptions people have about hip-hop. Though I doubt that it will ever be my favorite kind of music, I can definitely respect the skill and talent it takes to be a successful hip-hop musician. I thought it was interesting to compare your post with Jon's, which was about classical music. He also addressed a lot of preconceived notions people have and explained why he thinks that people are dissing this genre without giving it a chance, which was a major theme in yours as well. Actually, I think that was a major theme in most people's posts. Whether it was you (hip-hop), Choi (classical music), Daniel (marching band), Emily (Academy), me (politics), or probably a lot of other people's that I didn't have time to read, almost everyone agreed that it's important to view things with an open mind."

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